Thursday, August 5, 2010

The New Apartment

We had our mattress delivered yesterday so I took a few pics to share with you ladies while I was there. The pics are from my iPhone so not the best quality.

Our kitchen

Dining room

Living room with large balcony for Mr. Milk's bbq :)

Main bathroom

Master bedroom...

...with a sort-of walkin closet, that leads to an en-suite bathroom with a shower

We are very happy that we found a place so quickly and one that not only fits all the things we ordered but that we really really like. Hopefully soon enough, I'll be able to show you after pictures too. For the next few days we will be busy unpacking, receiving deliveries, and cleaning :)

22 fabulous blogger's comments:

Kim said...

I love it! And you have a Carrie Bradshaw walk-through closet :) Lucky girl, though maybe you have to share it with the Mr.?

GM said...

Love it! Our apartment is pretty small so I love the amount of space you have!

little luxury list said...

Great space and the balcony is awesome!

little luxury list said...

p.s. I'm finally making my blogroll and will of course be including my favorite chocolate loving blogger, Could I have the honor of being on your blogroll too?

Discovery Street said...

wow..the space looks awesome! And i hope you have kinder landlords!

Ali said...

I love it! Looks so nice!

Kristy said...

it looks amazing! coulnd't have ended up better and worth all the headaches i'm sure!!!

Spare Thoughts said...

Brilliant! Going to be good to have your own space. Much better than having that witch from the other place. Enjoy settling in.

Jillreigh said...

It looks great! Can't wait to see it all furnished and looking like a home.

Katie said...

Yay, Chocolate Lover! Can't wait to see it all decorated! I haven't done anything to our house. We are moved in and it is neat, but no pictures on the walls, curtains hung. I was so tired after the wedding- of making decisions, I haven't done any of that yet! I am hoping I will get the nesting bug this winter!

Big day is coming soon for you!!! :)

Sara said...

lovely! so glad you found a place you love.

Born to be Mrs. Beever said...

Can't wait for the after looks so great! Yea for moving in and onward!

Jennifer Oberth said...

This look so good - I'm glad it worked out.

Ms. Chouette said...

looks greta! Can't wait to see it all decorated!

Caro said...

This place is very nice, what does the area look like?

Jenna said...

It look simple but elegant,I like the floor. It is clean, better than a carpet. And also love the black paint at the dining room.

Anonymous said...

looks great Is there a wing for me

Mrs T said...

Looks so nice! Happy unpacking

Salt said...

It looks gorgeous! Good luck with the packing. I'm excited to see it with the furniture in!

Bridget said...

that kitchen is great.

Luna said...

nice place.

Gaynor {Our Day by Design} said...

Looks fab; I so want a walk in closet!

Cant wait to see it all sorted!

(p.s how late am i commenting, im trying to get caught up!)